Candlescaping by Paula logo

can-dle-scap-ing v.
Artfully enhancing an interior or exterior space with the sumptuous use of candles.[See unique, bedazzling, gracious; also romance, relaxation, celebration.]

Paula offers candlescaping services for your special occasion or event. With over twenty years experience in customer service and sales, ranging from Fortune 500 firms to “solo-prenuers”, she has honed her talent to listen to your needs, understand your wishes, and translate them into something that is truly memorable.

Paula occupies a unique niche in event planning for events both small and .

Paula Humerick

private to large and orchestrated. As such, she has gained the attention of Her interview with them on creating this business can be seen here (click for video).”

Every project is unique. Paula treats each as an opportunity to experience new people, fresh ideas and create an atmosphere in which relationships can flourish. Her passion to enhance occasions of relaxation, romance, and celebration with lavish candlelight is the essence of Candlescaping by Paula.

(818) 753-7518

Valley Village, California

paula @